Alchemization and Manifestation
2023 is offering up a grand portal of so much transformation and personal shift, if one is willing to take it on…
Transformation can only occur in our decision to alchemize the struggle, the pain and burning of what we no longer fit into.
The lifestyle, character and being-ness of who we no longer fit into.
Transformation forms through the filtering and flaking away of the being we choose to let go of, and this alchemical process is not an easy one. Many processes in our brains and mental bodies fight change because change to the hypothalamus, to the ego and mental forms mean’s “un-safety” - but when we burn through that painful change we come out - restored - as the Phoenix.
Fear Brain
Fear Brain is something most have unconsciously had ingrained into their daily lives. A way of perceiving that washes everything over with a survivalists mentality, “don’t trust this person”, “I’m not good enough”, psychedelic what ifs and downward spirals… The fear brain tells us that change creates and could be the cause of our demise.
‘Homeostasis’ regulated by the hypothalamus, and ego exist only to protect us from death (lol), so these structures and intelligent parts of the brain function within the endrocrine system, and the nervous system to keep us safe and unchanging so as to remain “safe”. Unfortunately due to negative influence on the human bodies development the body doesn’t fully recognize the positive shifts that we are enacting when we make changes, unless said person is communicating to their cellular structures, and nervous system’s within an embodied spiritual healed form. So this is where change and alchemy become a battle to win… Some aspect of us will resist change and and that is what the mind and body until fully embodied will do because the connection between intentional action and mental body gnosis is hindered. The communication becomes hindered and so blindly the body will act to protect you.
As this process occurs its really important we don’t become angry or upset with ourselves for not having fast changes, the ego is not an enemy to fear, hide from or be destroyed. But rather embodied and held in loving compassion as shift happens.
Divine Integrity and Knight-ship
Passion for wholeness and healing inside a world of pain can be difficult to strive for. Some people who are here on this earth know and remember deeper than others what it means to become their best version of self, perhaps thats you and that’s why you’re reading this. However it is not right or fair to simply leave behind the rest, those who struggle to perceive real change, those who cannot embody their wildest dreams. The reason I push myself so hard is because I know that there must be an example for others, there must be an example, and deeper than being “an example” is this unsettling passion to not to bare minimum, this restless need to push myself to my limits for growth, this is my fulfillment. And my pushing my limits isnt an adrenaline junkie, flashy form of wow I can jump out of planes!!! Which is cool too haha. My limitless drive is the internal clarification of nothing can omit my drive for inwards expansion. So receive that as you will.
Knight-ship is the frequency form of becoming who you know you are to be - inside an integral form of showing up completely in service to the king. Or source God. To burn before the dragon and take their flames inside your will to do what you decided you will.
This energy is absolutely more masculine formed, it is fire-y, burning and action oriented. However inside of the feminine body or a feminine prominent energy field you CAN and SHOULD embody these masculine codes because your feminine inside your heiro-gamic embodiment will unfold and melt deeper inside her gnosis as she witnesses you (masculine) carrying out the divine plan. When the feminine can dissolve into her oracle she can create new worlds knowing the masculine will ensure the building and anchoring of that new reality she has just birthed.
Alchemical Quantum Expansion
This sentence is intense but true. Breathe it in… Alchemical, quantum expansion is the chemical equation of void mapping into a Phoenix rebirth.
The void enlists us into all potentialities, and possibilities. The remembrance of your DNA, gifts, and celestial mapping sends you deeper into what your soul knows its here to do. But getting there is a mirage of emotional, physical and spiritual body clearings, because through the passage of this human life we take on limitation. Mostly unconsciously. Our whole lives we’ve mirrored the people around us, their behaviours and the things they’ve told us, our inner children we’re told to understand and remember what is “dangerous” to pursue… ie, that career change, that new location, quitting and leaving what doesn’t serve.
And we don’t consciously know why we’re stuck in the place we are, why we can’t up our income, or find that person we’ve been wishing for. But its because we’ve been set up! It’s all a set up. Haha, kind of kidding. When we take on the behaviours and boundaries of those around us we sink into their destiny, the path that their likely spewing out to everyone around them because it’s so unreasonable that they need it validated. True? The truth is once you know your potential and limitless potentialities you can unfold and re-weave yourself back together, all your hopes and all your dreams.
So as you wish upon that star, and then bam all of a sudden your world comes crashing down, what is your response?
Yes… my life is being unraveled so I can be re-born!!!
Yeh, likely not.
When things go to shit that is God doing a garbage pick up my friends. Allow God to take it off and away, goodbye to all that doesn’t serve. How can you hold yourself amidst the shit storm.
How can you hold yourself even when your brain and nervous system rejects the change?
Alchemy and Manifestation
Self love and nourishment is such a weird taboo thing for some people. But its the only way through the change you’re pursuing in your alchemy. Your body needs to know its safe even if its homeostasis is shifting. You grind, or you have a million things to do, self care, pleasure aka re-invoking joy for life is on the back burner, thats just apart of society right now. But we can always make time for whats truly important, and the death and reclamation inside of these alchemical processes is so divinely needed for you to embody that highest truth, that highest timeline you’ve been calling in and trust me when I tell you that self love is the only passage through. You cannot hate yourself and force change onto your being. I mean, you can try but it wont last and you’ll just be driving a bigger wedge into your relationship to self.
Alchemy isnt a death and burning brou-haha of this fucking hurts and im pushing through it, rather its a “this fucking hurts” and I value myself enough to move through it. Subtle shifts. Inside that landscape of change and disruption of our comfortability is the softness and gateway to our most divine self.
Your manifestation can only come through these shiftings, these burnings and returning’s of self. Your highest and most divine calling can only come through within the space you create by clearing out the old and the solid relationship you build with yourself knowing you are oh SO worthy of that change, of whats on the other side of the shift.
You are the reclamation of goodness, you are heaven on earth inside each choice you make, inside each decision. Let’s rebuild and unfold.