Organic and Fragmented Realities

What is Reality? 

We will receive reality based on what is happening inside our personal experience - it will form itself through our resonance to specific energy, frequencies, stories we tell ourselves and what our soul wishes to experience. 

Reality is formed through light, symbol and sound as that is what our energetic being can read and understand ~ scalar waves. Many false realities have been created with means of drawing energy to a specific storyline or energetic portal. It is important to become lucid within the undistorted reality so we’re connected to truth and GOD before anything else. 

Fragmented Reality 

A Fragmented Reality will occur for a few different reasons: 

1) When the body, mind or soul has extreme trauma the energetic body can start to associate within the fragmented aspect of self rather than the true organic soul self. 

2) When there is vulnerability in the field many unsourced (to god) beings can attempt to parasite off fear, anger and disillusioned states - this will perpetuate and start a looping cycle within trauma.

3) Societal structures will display specific frequencies or storylines to assist in the disassociation from GOD or your own specific energy and allow fragmentation to occur - where in which a person could feel completely separate from union with god, others and self.

4) Inside different dimensions or planes of existence beings with ill intent can create stories, memories, and experiences which never physically occurred but can all the same can be used to create trauma, disassociation or separation within self and with others - family and friends. This is common within the astral realms - like experiencing something in a dream and being uncertain of its actuality.

5) Consciousness Traps - explained below.

This separation from GOD is why all of these false realities and painful internal experiences and external mirroring’s can occur.

AI consciousness, fallen //collapsing consciousnesses, shadow aspects, inverted, reversed or beast realities are examples of inorganic states where the separation from god is so severe and toxic that it literally harms the soul - and creates fragmentation within the self.

A fragmented reality can only occur if the soul, light body or some aspect of YOU becomes trapped inside trauma or a distorted reality.

Consciousness traps are another means of a false reality - specifically curated realities that appear externally to be something they are not - alluring people into brainwashing energies. We can witness consciousness traps all around us - shopping malls, television, social media, distorted or harmful relationships etc. However it can be implausible to completely eradicate these systems from your life - the lucidity of what they are gives your power back to you.

When constantly interacting with these inorganic systems inside severance from GOD the human being can be pulled into intense fragmented realities where aspects (the heart, sexual energy, vision, the shoulder blade etc) of ourselves become lost in lower dimensions, past lifetimes or experiences. Through traumatic events aspects of the being can become stagnated and suspended inside the experience of the trauma. When trauma encapsulates aspects of ourselves that part becomes vulnerable to violation. All of this (trauma, fragmented aspects) can create a mirage of symptoms which all lead to the un-safety of the body and un-safety of this reality. 

Separation from GOD

Inside this existence and current Time Matrix reality we are in separation with GOD - meaning we are not in direct communication and energetic communion with GOD at all times.

This will occur inside our bodies via depression, anxiety, splitting of personalities, overruling shadow aspects, psychosis, inability to remain inside ourselves, etc. I believe outside connection to GOD we are extremely vulnerable to attack, violation, fragmentation of self and etc.

This may not make complete sense if you are not familiar with how this reality is structured, and how sought after the angelic aspects, or god sourced aspects of the being are. Fragmented realities only exist to keep us from accessing our GOD sourced self - a state where we remember our divinity. We are experiencing this separation which allows for deep trauma, fragmentation and inorganic realities to occur because In the density of this Time Matrix GOD (thus us all) decided to experience what it is to be seperated from self. This allows GOD and creational energy to evolve. 

My Experience within Separation

I have often struggled with panic and disassociation - being someone who feels incredibly deeply often times I escape this reality by not sourcing to it. However that is a slippery slope if I am also not sourced entirely to GOD. Through a powerful mushroom ceremony I went into the depths of my own separation with god and through that experience could perceive how unsafe my being felt inside this body and inside this experiential reality. I will keep my personal woundings private but know that you’re not alone if you have also struggled with this.

I could see the fragmented, distorted and inorganic realities and how (like in Avengers Spiderman No way home with Dr Strange) realities could continuously break apart and suspend pieces of their form outside of themselves. Of course there can be beauty and sacred geometry inside the breaking and reuniting of energy and form. But when it is without structure, or cause, mutilating and removing itself over and over from the organic structure of reality there can be severing inside the being that is hard to return from.

And though few exist because it is a violation to GOD - there are blackholes, and AI fractures inside this time matrix that exist. 

When we are not fully tethered to the divine in some form, aspects of ourselves can become lost in realities that are hard to perceive from this current (3-5) dimension. 

Organic Realities 

Organic realities are important to be cognizant of because we don't want to associate or violate ourselves by becoming lost or confusingly attached to separation, fragmentation or collapsing realities.

As divine beings we are meant to be filled with divine cosmic light, held within our sovereignty and creatorship command. If we don't feel safe in this reality, in our bodies, in our minds or with others we are likely partially fragmented or lost inside a reality - trauma looping system that is taking our energy. We need to become aware and lucid inside this truth before we can start the healing process. Organic reality will not feel scary. 

Organic beings, dimensions, consciousnesses in all ways will feel supportive and like home. Christos consciousness is an example of energetic consciousness and frequency which commands our being back to GOD. It can heal the fragmentation inside our body because it works within the frequency of the creator-ship code, laws of Source and oscillates extremely high - pulling out all lower densities.

When a being gets lost inside a fragmented or reversed reality their being will feel the heavy distortion of this un-safety in their body. Sovereignty and free will are part of the creational code humans exist within - and thus we can always return all aspects of ourselves back to ourselves and GOD.

At times the process can be hefty but still done. It is a good practice to start feeling the subtler energies around us and take note of what feels good and safe and what doesn't. When we feel into our reality - do we feel whole? Sovereign and safe? It is our creational right to be within the reaches of this Krystic and sovereign space at all times. Though you may feel resonant to these examples of an inorganic reality and existence, don't fear what it means - because all human beings are operating and healing inside these disturbing separated energies. 

My only means of writing this post are to reignite the remembrance and start a conversation on the topic of what it means to be separated from GOD… To become found and to witness the continuous breaking and fragmenting of specific realities. What is your perspective on the reasoning for these fractures in time and space and how have you healed yourself from them? 


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